Virtual Parade
4th Of July Community Contest
Best patriotic costumed Pet
Total number of photo submissions: 8

42 of 100 votes cast
Owner & Costumer: Jo Newhouse
Best 4th of July decorated home
Total Number of Photo Submissions: 2

48 of 70 votes cast
Best patriotic family photo
By default (only submission)

Best 4th of July decorated Vehicle
By Default (only submission)

4th of July Schedule
Friday July 3rd
Announcement of the
“Citizen of the Year”
Announcement will be made here, Instagram, & on Facebook.
All Day
Celebrating Our Veterans!
Posting photos, captions and stories of those who have served or are serving
See information below
Posting Virtual Tours of our local businesses & non-profits
See below for info
Saturday July 4th
4th of July Parade
Parade video will be shown both here,
& on Facebook.
Community Contests
See contest information below to submit
Winners announced July 5th
Sunday July 5th
Manzantia Postcards Available at the Manzanita Visitor Center
A limited number of 200 postage paid postcards will be available for free
Community Contest Voting opens
Voting will be conducted on this page
Community Contest Voting closes
Winners announced shortly after
Citizen of the Year

Leila Salmon
Manzanita Citizen of the Year 2020
The overwhelming choice of the selection committee, Leila Salmon served several years on the Manzanita City Council, and was a member of numerous city and county committees, as well as area non-profit organizations.
She was a board member of the Pine Grove Community Center and the Rinehart Clinic, and a founding member of the Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay. She also served on the Tillamook County Futures Council and the Tillamook County Budget Committee.
Leila frequently lent her skills as a facilitator to lead brainstorming and problem-solving meetings on important public topics. One nomination described her as “a wise and gentle mentor to many others in volunteer service to the community.”
The Citizen of the Year committee said, “We are grateful to have Leila as a valued and cherished member of the Manzanita community.”
All I have to say is it is about time!!! You have been an amazing contributor to the community, the region and the county!! I can not think of anyone more deserving Congratulations Leila and thank YOU!
Linda Kozlowski
“Cherished” is a perfect description. So warm and welcoming to newcomers. A kind heart and an astute mind. Thanks Leila!
Kathryn Stock
great picture of a treasured leader! congratulations
Claudia Johnson
Very , very well deserved honor for a person that I’m proud to have as a friend
Tom & Betty Mock
So long overdue and so well deserved. You are an inspiration and mentor to many who are trying to make Manzanita the best of all possible places to live. Thank you for your ever generous counsel.
Thomas Aschenbrener
Congratulations on a well deserved honor!
Nancy & Ken Resnick
Congratulations Leila and well deserved.
Julianne Johnson
It’s about time! Congratulations, Leila.
Karen Reddick-Yurka
Congratulations Leila!
Judy Lindley
Congratulations, Leila! You have done so much for our little city and its myriad nonprofits and public agencies. Thank you for your time and efforts!
Jenny Greenleaf and Tom Cocklin
Congratulations Leila !Great picture!
Ginny Davidson
Perfect choice!! Congratulations
Ellen Boggs
Well deserved! Congratulations Leila!
Heidi Cummins
A perfect choice. She gives so much to the community and has a keen sense of humor. Congratulations, Leila.
Madeline Olson
Much deserved!!
Mary Marken
Sue Remy
So sad that this dear lady will not be able to get recognition in the Manzanita 4th of July Parade. Congratulations Leila. A true American Heroine , and a blessing to Manzanita.
John Thommes
Congratulations!! Lovely photo!
Jill Hanson
Thank you for your service to our town
Tharon Lyon
Timothy Stein
Congratulations, MS. MANZANITA! You are and have been an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for your extraordinary gifts of intelligence, insight, wisdom, love and patience. Our community is all the better because of you. Our best wishes
Gail and Richard Young
Amy Charmaine
Congratulations Leila for a job well done, my Grandson and his wife live in Manzanita, they love it there.
El Donni
Thank you for your leadership. Manzanita is a magical place with lovely people. We all need to do our part to support our community (even with second home owners like myself) #ItTakesAVillage
Ariane An Natale
Leila is an amazing woman! She definitely deserves this honor because of her dedication to the well-bring of this community.
Bet McMahon
Great, wonderful honor!
Alice Yates
Simply outstanding, and a perfect choice! Warm congratulations, Leila!
Rob and Sharon Borgford
Congratulations, Leila!
Debbie Moberly
Perfect choice! So well deserved. Congratulations Leila!
David Yamamoto
Congratulations Leila for much deserved and overdue honor! You are an icon for our community as a wise and gentle soul.
Steve and Stacy Nuttall
Leila: I was shocked to hear this award hadn't already been given to you in years past. Of course, its well deserved and should have been awarded to you years ago. But, better late than never! Thank you for your many years of helping this community grow, learn, and sustain its special place in our hearts.
Sarah Smyth McIntosh
Congratulations Leila! I was so excited this morning when I opened the Citizen of the year envelope and saw that you had been selected. And you make the best carrot cake in the world!
Mike Scott
Leila was one of the first people I met when I moved here almost 6 years ago. She is gracious, smart, talented, has a great smile and looks marvelous in purple. Congratulations Leila. Well deserved.
Nan Devlin
Leila was one of the first people I met when I moved here almost 6 years ago. She is gracious, smart, talented, has a great smile and looks marvelous in purple. Congratulations Leila. Well deserved.
Nan Devlin
What an Awesome award for an Amazing lady! Congrats Leila!
Mary Lou Pitstick Stein
Congratulations Leila on this well deserved honor!
Mary Faith Bell
Timothy Stein
About time! Leila is the soul of Manzanita.
Peter Newman
You have contributed so much with your dedication, leadership and accomplishments! You are a sheer delight and an amazing woman.
Letty, John, Chris and Jon
Congratulations! Well deserved honor but should be citizen of the decade.
Laurie & Frank
Celebrating Our Veterans
David Dillon
This is my favorite picture from my time in the Navy. It’s me and two US explosive ordnance disposal techs in Egypt in 1974 examining a 2,000-pound German mine left in the Suez Canal after World War II. Egyptian police divers found and pulled it out of the canal the day before.
When our guys counter-charged the mine that afternoon in the Great Bitter Lake, it went off high order. It turned out the weapon was still live.
Frank Foldi & Chris Crossley
Honoring Frank Foldi our father who served in WWII and his grandson Chris Crossley who served in the Army 27 years including at the DMZ and in Desert Storm.
Mayor Mike Scott
50 years ago I was serving with the US Navy up the Mekong River during the Vietnam War. This is charcoal drawing done by a street artist in Saigon on September 1970 just a few days before I rotated home. I was a 24 year old Lieutenant(jg).
Virtual Tours
Supporting our local businesses is very important to all of us!
Its a great way to get to know the great services, stores, goods, businesses and more found right here in our local community.