City of Manzanita
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 129
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
167 S 5th Street
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
(503) 812-2514
Office Hours:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Before taking the survey here are some resources that may be helpful
The City of Manzanita is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan and Housing Ordinances. These materials will help guide land use decisions over the next 20 years. The first step in this process is to create a community vision that reflects what community members enjoy and want to preserve about Manzanita, and what they would like to see changed in the future. Your responses to this survey will help to create that vision.
Please limit your responses to one per person (i.e., don’t complete the survey as a couple, family, household, etc.). There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Feel free to be as brief or as detailed as you would like to be. We just ask that you’re honest.
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 129
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri – 9am to 4pm
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 129
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
167 S 5th Street
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
(503) 812-2514
Office Hours:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
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