Envision Manzanita

Manzantia Comprehensive Plan Update

Archived Survey & Materials

Meeting Video & Survey Introduction.

The Envision Manzanita Town Hall Listening Sessions provided an opportunity for citizens to gather and share their concerns and ideas to address the key issues we are facing in our community. These listening sessions reflect the beginning of the update of our city’s Comprehensive Plan and will be used to provide guidance to the City Council on the most important issues facing our community. 

The Envision Manzanita Town Hall Listening Sessions were the first step in a multi-step community engagement strategy. More than 90 people attended the Town Hall Meetings in person and more than 70 people provided detailed feedback through an online survey. Fifteen percent (15%) of respondents identified as Manzanita voters. That is a significant and meaningful number of folks participating and provides the city with a rich and useful set of data to work with.


The process:

1: Listen


2: Share

3: Consult

4: Finalize

Step 2


Over 100 pages of raw data are now available for review on the city’s website located below.
Staff are working to distill this raw data into major themes that can be used to summarize community feedback within the various categories (Growth and Development, Public Safety, Transportation etc…) that were identified in the Town Hall Listening Sessions and the Town Hall Online Survey. Staff will be sharing their initial results with the community on September 28th from 5-7pm at the Pine Grove Community House. Community members are asked to register for the event via Eventbrite posted to the city’s website. (link)  We originally planned to share that data on September 9th, but due to the overwhelming response we had to take a little more time to distill the information. Thanks for your patience!

Step 3


The raw data is available on the city’s website and citizens are invited to review this information and develop their own version of key themes and issues. Or just read it to see how much overlap there is, and prepare for the meeting to come. At the upcoming Envision Manzanita Town Hall Listening Session we will facilitate a group conversation around the different themes that emerged and engage with community members to ensure we get everything right. An online survey will also be made available for those that are unable to attend. A presentation to the City Council on the initial themes and community feedback will be presented, most likely, at the November city council meeting.   

Step 4


Using the feedback gathered through the consult process a final report will be prepared that will help set the stage for two things:

  1. Determine what short term, immediate issues we can address, and
  2. Establishing what elements of the Comprehensive Plan need to be updated. This will help inform the development of a Request for Proposals to hire a consultant to lead community outreach, and the update of the Comprehensive Plan. This data will be shared with our consultant team to develop a public outreach strategy to update the Comprehensive Plan and eventually our Zoning Ordinance.

Timeline & Examples

The following is an example of
how the raw information can be distilled into key themes.

It is not exhaustive just a sample to get you thinking!

Growth and Development

The community wants more control over (rules and restrictions on) the:

- Style/Character and scale of development
- Location of growth and development
- Type of people who visit, live here, work here
- Design standards (such as setbacks, lot coverage)
- Density and location of nonresidential uses
- More environmental protections (tree protections and landscaping)