City of Manzanita Voters Guide

Provided by the City of Manzanita as a service to the community

General Information

Welcome to the 2022 City of Manzanita Election Information page.  Here you will find valuable information about the candidates for office in Manzanita who will appear on your ballot. Printed copies of this Election Information are available upon request at city hall.


Candidates for Mayor and City Council in Manzanita have been invited to submit information about themselves for publication by the city since no such information about local elections is included in the Voters’ Pamphlet distributed by Tillamook County.

Candidate statements are printed as submitted. The City does not correct punctuation, grammar, syntax errors or inaccurate information. The City may, but is not required, to correct spelling errors if the word as originally submitted is in the dictionary.

Registering to Vote

You may register to vote online at or you can get a voter registration card from the Tillamook County Elections Division (; (503) 842-3402). Your voter registration card must be postmarked no later than 21 days before the election at which you intend to vote. In order to register to vote in Oregon, you must be at least 16 years old, a resident of Oregon and a citizen of the United States. If you are 16 years old, you will not receive a ballot until an election occurs on or after your 18th birthday. For the November 8, 2022 General Election, your completed voter registration card must be either:

  • Postmarked by Tuesday, October 18.
  • Delivered to a county elections office by Tuesday, October 18, 2022.
  • Delivered to any voter registration agency  (e.g. DMV) by Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

If you register to vote online (with a valid Oregon Drivers’ License or State issued ID card), your registration must be submitted by 11:59pm on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. To check on the status of your voter registration or ballot and to find out more about how and where to vote, go to

Voter Information

In Oregon, elections are all vote-by-mail. Registered
voters are mailed a ballot approximately two weeks
be- fore an election. To vote, follow the instructions on
the official ballot. Your return identification envelope
must include your signature. Return your ballot by mail
to any official ballot drop site location or by mail to:

Tillamook County Elections
C/O Tillamook County Clerk
201 Laurel Avenue
Tillamook, OR 97141

Ballots must be received at an official drop site location by 8:00pm on Election Day, November 8, 2022.
The drop site location in Manzanita is at the bus stop
on 4th Place, across from the old firehouse & current
Police Station.


Oregon Secretary of State’s Office: or call 1-866-ORE-VOTE (1-866-673- 8683)

Tillamook County Elections: For information about your ballot and local voting processes, contact Tillamook County Elections at 503.842.3402 or visit their website at

Public office hours at Tillamook County are Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm.

Candidate for Mayor

Deb Simmons

Candidate Statement
When addressing the city’s most urgent needs and goals, let me give a visual — three circles inter-connected like a Venn Diagram.

The first circle is the budget (revenues and expenses) formatted simply so everyone can understand it. This budget should be clear in what we do have, what we should have and what we would like to have in the future.

The second circle identifies the short-term-rentals and the heavy influx of day tourists — their impact, expense and revenue opportunities which must be addressed.

The third circle is our vision. Where does this loevely, coastal town want to be with all of its pieces… in 5,10, and 20 years?

Manzanita citizens need to move in a clear direction together — setting goals that can be followed in our near and long-term future. Using our assets in a constructive and positive manner while protecting our environment – natural and built – is the key to executing those goals

Educational Background
BS from Oregon State University
MAT from Lewis & Clark College

Prior governmental Experience

Candidate for City Council

Linda Kozlowski

Candidate Statement
I love Manzanita. My commitment to Manzanita began in 1999 as we settled into our new hometown. I met wonderful people, joined organizations that flourish here, and was happy to become involved in local activities. Being passionate about the environment, our community’s resilience, and the representative nature of our city government, it was only natural to me to give back through civic service, and I first ran for City Council in 2006.

The years have brought lots of change. People remain passionate about Manzanita. Our community cares both about preserving the past and shaping a solid future.

If re-elected, I will have three priorities:

  • Managing community growth effectively, with
    guidance from our Comprehensive Plan. Updating this plan is one of our biggest projects in the next few years.
  • Making thoughtful, systemic changes to the budget. This means looking for new funding strategies to help reduce dependence on Short Term Rental revenue.
  • Keeping a high quality of life in Manzanita.

We must continue to manage short term rentals, address the need for workforce housing, and create a safe, effective workspace for our city staff.

I am ready to take on whatever hard work will make these issues come to life. I’m all in.

Educational Background
BA degree in Chemistry, University of Colorado

Husband: Bill Supak
Son: Matthew Kozlowski

Prior governmental Experience
Manzanita City Council, Council President
Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Vice Chair Governing Board
Tillamook County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Chair

Candidate for City Council

Mark Kuestner

Candidate Statement
This is a pivotal point in time for Manzanita. We need to come together and focus to:

  • Revise Manzanita’s Comprehensive Plan to
    meet community needs.

  • Implement recommendations to minimize short-term rental impacts on residential neighborhoods.

  • Identify alternative revenue sources to reduce the City’s dependency on visitors to fund basic city services.

Since moving to Manzanita seven years ago, I’ve been studying how our City functions. I’ve witnessed our democracy in action by attending and participating in City Council, Short Term Rental, Budget and Planning meetings and several Listening workshops.

I grew up on a small Ohio farm raised by parents who instilled us with core values of duty to our overall society. Our family valued thoughtful and spirited discussions of ideals, morality, pragmatism and how to move disagreement into positive resolution.

I am passionate about our opportunity to act together now to shape Manzanita’s future while solving our immediate issues. Together we can work to create a framework to make certain that our town remains the wonderful place it is, while paying our bills well into the future.

I hope to earn the privilege of your vote. I’m ready
to work for you on Manzanita’s City Council.

Educational Background
Oberlin College, BA in History
Kent State University, Library Science

Spouse : Linda Kuestner

Prior governmental Experience

Candidate for City Council

Brad Mayerle

Candidate Statement
Manzanita needs leadership. We need vision to thoughtfully manage the growth we are experiencing. The first order of business is to get our house in order. That means updating the documents, which have been sitting idle for decades, to help us guide this growth.

I bring a unique skill set to the council. As a small business owner, I had to address financial, regulatory, and staffing challenges. As a medical provider, I used a medical model of decision-making that includes listening, diagnosing, providing treatment options, consensus on treatment, and ultimately executing the plan. Often, a compromise was required, sometimes additional education, to ensure the best possible outcome.

Leaders set the tone for our community by encouraging resident involvement and ensuring the city’s processes are transparent and communicated clearly. Throughout the campaign, I’ve set the bar high and will continue to do so.

We have real challenges ahead, including updating the comprehensive plan and the zoning ordinances to reflect the plan, diversifying city revenue, making capital improvements (city hall, infrastructure), managing short-term rentals, and ensuring trail accessibility. We cannot continue business as usual; change is inevitable. Fresh eyes, hard work, respect, listening and compromise can
lead the way.

Educational Background
Lewis & Clark College, B.A. Degree, Political Science
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)
School of Dentistry, Doctor of Dental Medicine

Prior governmental Experience


The information in this document is presented as a service to the Manzanita Community by providing a platform for candidates to express their reasons and motivations for seeking election.

The information presented has not been verified for accuracy or truthfulness and is presented as submitted by the candidates themselves.

The City of Manzanita accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the statements and information contained.