Master Plan for Trails in Manzanita

Last fall the city contracted with Chris Bernhardt of C2 Recreation Consulting in Portland ( to help us development a master plan for trails in Manzanita.

Since then, Chris has had extensive discussions with a small group of key informants from the community, as well as with city staff and members of city council. He made a site visit to Manzanita in January and has been continually reviewing input from various stakeholders as he drafted of the plan.

Chris will present his proposed plan to the community and respond to questions as part of the city council’s regularly scheduled work session on May 5, 2021.

Draft documents provided by C2 Recreation

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Manzanita Trail Map & Plan
Please feel free to contact Councilor Jerry Spegman and he will get back to you as soon as he is able.