Karen Reddick-Yurka
Frank Squillo
Lee Hiltenbrand
John Collier
Thomas Christ
Bert Gregory
Brad Berman
The Planning Commission generally meets the second Monday of each month at 4 p.m.
All Planning Commission meetings will be held virtually via zoom.
A link to the meeting will be provided on the meeting agenda..
Please check the City Calendar for confirmation.
The public is encouraged to attend all Planning Commission meetings.
Manzanita Lofts Tree Removal
Information HERE
Karen Reddick-Yurka
Frank Squillo
Lee Hiltenbrand
John Collier
Thomas Christ
Bert Gregory
Brad Berman
Planning Commission agendas are usually posted below five days prior to the meeting.
Minutes of a given meeting are not posted on the website until approved
by the Planning Commission at its next regular meeting.
You are invited to attend hearings or submit comments in writing before the meeting time.
You may send written comments in advance to Email:
Mailed: City of Manzanita, PO Box 129, Manzanita, Or 97130
Or you may submit your comments in person at the hearing.
If you want to present verbal testimony, either pro, con, or to raise questions, you will be invited to speak following the applicant’s testimony. Testimony and comments at this hearing must be directed towards the criteria identified. If you submit a written comment or comment in person at the hearing, you will be sent a copy of the decision or recommendation.
All written and verbal comments become part of the permanent record.
4/14/25 – 4PM
2/10/25 – 4PM
Land Use Planning Training
9am – 3pm
An estimate of the buildable residential lands within the Manzanita Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).
A series of laws, rules, and plans that regulate how the coast is developed.
Previous year archive of PC meetings
You must submit a records request for meetings prior to 2020
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 129
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri – 9am to 4pm
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 129
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
167 S 5th Street
Manzanita, Oregon 97130
(503) 812-2514
Office Hours:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
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